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Title Nidhogg
Released October 2014
Publisher Messhof
Platforms PlayStation 4
PlayStation Vita
PlayStation TV
Genre Fighting
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Nidhogg is the epic award-winning fencing tug-of-war, full of graceful acrobatics and clumsy stabs. IRL yelling and excitement may occur, in this ultimate two-player showdown of fast-paced fencing and melee attacks. Code Mystics, in cooperation with Sony's SCEA Third Party Production, is proud to bring Messhof's indie hit Nidhogg to the PlayStation 4, Vita, and PS TV platforms!

Rebuilt from the ground up using our cross-platform Prometheus engine, Nidhogg for PlayStation features:

  • Exciting online multiplayer including cross-play between PS4 and Vita!
  • Cross-buy... buy it once, play it anywhere!
  • Local two-player on the Vita via ad hoc, or a novel control scheme that allows two players to play head-to-head on a single Vita.
  • Enhancements to the Vita version specifically for PlayStation TV.
  • 17 challenging single player levels.
  • Stage a tournament between up to 8 friends.
  • 4 unique and colourful arenas.
  • An epic original soundtrack creation by Daedelus!

Learn more about Nidhogg at the official site.

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