First of all, thanks for the great job with the two Neo Geo Pocket volumes. It has the best emulation that I saw in years.
Today, exists a few Neo Geo Pocket communities in the world like neogeopocketspain, flashmastaforums, france forums and more and we think that would be incredible if the vol1 and 2 has an online mode.
When we see the announcement, the first think that we think was "hey! Online mode would be possible!"
The local mode it's fine but, some games would be great if has a online mode, games like Card Fighters or any fighting game.
Something like *a global ranking* It could have been a marvel
It's a pity that the Japanese exclusive games have not been released in English at least. Even if the manuals are translated, it's not enough for games like KOF Battle of Paradise.
We hope an updates for this titles.
Many many thanks