SVC Chaos Feedback

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SVC Chaos Feedback

Post by cireza »

Hello Code Mystics,

First of all, thank you for working on SVC Chaos, the game has always been a fan favorite of mine.

Thanks for a few things in particular :
- offering good display options
- offering proper configuration of the buttons

Playing the game on Switch, a few things came to mind and I wanted to share them. My understanding is that you are probably embedding a Neo Geo ROM in an emulator with a wrapper offering functionalities such as online, filters etc... In the past though, the game was actually ported to PS2 and Xbox with various features and enhancements. You will probably not be able to add them, but I still think it is worth sharing, including to SNK.

1) Survival Mode : this mode was actually pretty nice and offered something else than the only Arcade mode for single player. Including it would have been a welcomed addition for single player/offline.

2) Palette edition / more palettes : the Xbox version offered the ability to create palettes, which was a lot of fun. Again, this would have been a nice addition for single player/offline. Of course online is another topic, as you never know what kind of palettes people will create... Otherwise adding a couple more colors per characters wouldn't hurt.

3) AI nerf : in the home console ports, I think I remember the AI being a bit less punishing in the two last stages. There is a brutal scaling from the first battle to the last, making the couple last fights (especially the final one) pretty annoying as the boss always reacts instantly to an input with a special or super-special.

4) Continue : Service A B C or D ?
How can I know which one to pick as A B C and D are never mentioned anywhere in the manuals/menus ? A quick hack of the rom to replace the letters in the screen by LP LK HP HK would have helped.

5) Framerate drop :
On Switch in the last stage with the lights (against boss), pretty sure the framerate drops.

These come to mind after a couple hours playing. Thanks for reading this far.
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Re: SVC Chaos Feedback

Post by IamNevG »

"AI nerf : in the home console ports, I think I remember the AI being a bit less punishing in the two last stages. There is a brutal scaling from the first battle to the last, making the couple last fights (especially the final one) pretty annoying as the boss always reacts instantly to an input with a special or super-special."

Welcome to the true example of "SNK DIFFICULTY." This is how the game was. I think the home ports were toned down a bit.SNK always had a knack for making you work for a completion. Look at the battle against Goenitz. If I was a teen I would be throwing my controller around my room yelling about his whirlwind special move. He is cheap! I take pride in enemies like this these days in my 40s. The frustration is fun. The lack of continues due to this being the home AES version of SVC Chaos isn't.
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Re: SVC Chaos Feedback

Post by cireza »

AI nerf (through some kind of options of course) could help with the experience a bit.

What is even worse with this, is that every single character actually has a pretty neat ending. But most people will never see a single one, as it requires completing the game in one credit lol.

There was room for improvements I believe. These endings are wasted work, only a few elite players will manage to see them.
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Re: SVC Chaos Feedback

Post by Propaganda »

It seems the switch version runs at a lower hz rate Not sure why the game has so much ghosting & after image blur.

During gameplay, the image is muddled with so much delayed after image, but when still images come they look crisp.

I'm playing on a switch OLED it's quite noticeable/distracting.

Never had the same issue with any of your other SNK releases

I turned off all scanlines & filter options it still was present.

I purchased the game on PC, had none of the same issues & tried it at multiple resolutions. PC version is solid.
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Re: SVC Chaos Feedback

Post by CodeMystics »

The Flicker Filter is forced on in handheld mode regardless of its setting on the Switch, as the alternating frames used to simulate semi-transparency can damage the LCD.
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Re: SVC Chaos Feedback

Post by TheWolfBunny64 »

I have some important feedback regarding SNK vs. Capcom: SvC Chaos. Regarding controls, could I suggest adding in a LK+MK+HK button setting (meaning kicks), a LP+MP+HP setting (meaning punches), and more importantly, a Special Move button and a Exceed Move button, where players could pull off special moves with just one button and directional inputs in a new update, taking a page from already-existing games like Capcom Fighting Collection and Street Fighter 6? Let me explain why for more details.

Adding "special move" and "exceed move" buttons is vital, especially to those that are:
A: Those that are new to fighting games, especially those just who purchased this game
B: Having a hard time pulling off special moves such as the Hadouken and Shoryuken

As someone who wanted to get into fighting games outside the Super Smash Bros. series (where it only uses two buttons to fight), I know how much of a pain pulling off special moves with tricky command inputs can be. Believe me when I say this: something such as a Special Button move and a Exceed Move button is a potential must in terms of quality-of-life features; especially for players who just bought the game; or in the worst-case scenario: players that are completely new to the fighting game genre. If memory serves me right from playing Capcom Fighting Collection, each character has about four special moves during battle, and in this instance regarding SNK vs. Capcom: SvC Chaos, three Exceed Moves. Take Ryu for example.
Special Move Button: Hadouken
Special Move Button + Left or Right: Shoryuken (He does this in the front direction he's facing)
Special Move Button + Down: Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
Special Move Button + Left or Right: Shakanetsu Hadouken (He performs this move while pressing backwards on the stick or D-pad; i.e. Shakanetsu on the left while tapping right)
Exceed Move Button: Shinku Hadouken
Exceed Move Button + Down: Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
Exceed Move Button + Left or Right: Shin Shoryuken (He would pull off this attack in the direction he's facing)

Please take this update into consideration. I know it's gonna be a bit tricky to pull off this kind of feature for all characters in the roster, including Athena and Red Arremer, but chances are: it'll all be worth it in the end.
Last edited by TheWolfBunny64 on Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"You must defeat my Shoryuken to stand a chance." - Ryu
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