KOF 2002 UM PS4 Improvements beyond Rollback

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KOF 2002 UM PS4 Improvements beyond Rollback

Post by redfox »


I'm debating whether to get this game or not (your PS4 version) as I already own the 360 release from 2010 (which came out 6 weeks prior to the Nesica Live Arcade version - which you stated in a prior forum post that the PS4 version is based off of and i'm 99.9% certain is the same build). My question is, beyond adding rollback to the PS4 version (which is impressive don't get me wrong) was there any other changes or improvements made by you guys for PS4? See, I don't play online and I'm wondering if it's worth buying this version if rollback was the only feature that's different from the 360 version.

Any info or insight would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: KOF 2002 UM PS4 Improvements beyond Rollback

Post by CodeMystics »

The PS4 version is a merge of the 360 and NESiCA versions. There are differences between the two, but quite a bit more subtle than 98UMFE. Unfortunately we're not able to enumerate them succinctly. They would involve slight balance adjustments and bug fixes.
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