Player 2 touchpad not working Flashback Classics Vol. 1

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Player 2 touchpad not working Flashback Classics Vol. 1

Post by mistersquid »

Player 2 touchpad does not seem to work when playing Centipede in Atari Flashback Classics for PS4 Vol. 1.

The controller touchpad does work when it is used for Player 1.

Can you help me resolve this issue?

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Re: Player 2 touchpad not working Flashback Classics Vol. 1

Post by CodeMystics »

Please highlight Centipede and go to OPTIONS > CONTROLS then press R1 to select Player 2. Change the sensitivity to something other than its current setting. Use O to back out of the menu and play. If it then works, you can change the setting back to 5 if you desire.

If that doesn't work, try selecting Warlords and joining with both players. See if the touchpad can control each of them. If that works, repeat the steps above.
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